How to use an epinephrine autoinjector:
Blue to the sky,
Orange to the thigh®
What is the Epipen®?
The Epipen® Auto-Injector is a disposable, pre-filled automatic injection device that administers epinephrine in the event of a severe allergic reaction.
When do you use it?
Anaphylaxis is a severe life-threatening allergic reaction. It can be triggered by certain types of foods (like peanuts or shellfish), insect stings, medicine, latex, exercise or unknown causes.
The following symptoms of anaphylaxis can occur within minutes or several hours after exposure to an allergy trigger:
MOUTH: itching, swelling of the lips and/or tongue
THROAT*: itching, tightness, closure, hoarseness
SKIN: itching, hives, redness, swelling
GUT: vomiting, diarrhea, cramps
LUNG*: shortness of breath, cough, wheeze
HEART*: weak pulse, dizziness, fainting
Only a few symptoms may be present.
Reactions can progress quickly and become more severe.
If any of the symptoms listed above are present, administer the Epipen® Auto-Injector immediately.
How do you use it?
Make sure to lie down flat prior to using it
Hold firmly with orange tip pointing downward
Remove blue safety cap by pulling straight up
Push orange tip firmly into mid-outer thigh until you hear a ‘click’
Hold on thigh for 3 seconds
Built-in needle protection
After injection, the orange cover automatically extends to ensure the needle is never exposed
Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department – more treatment may be needed
Give second dose of epinephrine 5-15 minutes later if symptoms are not improving or worsen
Unsure about using the EpiPen?
Safest choice = use it!
Consider having more than one EpiPen on hand in your home and when going out.
By: Angeliki Barlas, MD
Clinical Immunology and Allergy Fellow